To change default Orca title:
1) change this text in modules\boonex\forum\inc\ - no recompilation is needed after this change
$gConf['def_title'] = 'Orca :: Interactive Forum Script';
2) edit modules\boonex\forum\integrations\base\langs\en.php file and change the following line:
'add this to title' => ' :: Orca Forum ',
Make sure that you change only ' :: Orca Forum ' part. Orca language file recompilation (not Dolphin language file) is needed after this change, since Orca has own language file. If you have several templates - then recompile language for each template separately.
3) Also try to change this line in modules\boonex\forum\integrations\base\langs\en.php file
'Orca Forum' => ':: Orca Forum',
This message is displayed when there is no title at all, but this should never occur, because there is always some title.
Source: AlexT