immediately following skyforums post, i also posted:
well maybe you didnt experience exactly the same thing i did.
the link is showing up 2_adm_txt_unconfirmed (which i agree is missing a language key)
but if you click on that link there is nothing there to confirm
i had to run a sql statement against the database, to change the unconfirmed users to active
it seems that when couple registers there is one email that is sent out for confirmation, so the one user is getting confirmed but the second half of the couple is not getting confirmed because when the account is created there is one email address assigned to the AccountID for profiles and a (2) which says its part of a couples profile.
also, there are several other language keys that are missing if you use custom membership levels. so you would need to create language keys for any membership levels that are custom.
i just went and checked on another site, if the member does not click on the link to confirm the registration, then the unconfirmed remains, so the bug or pseudo-bug would be the language string, and the bug is that couples are not getting the second half confirmed when the email is sent to the registrants inbox and the link for confirming is clicked.
I was just on my way to post this skyforum (good job). i have ran into other issues, but i just dont see to make the time over here when they are fresh on my mind in order to get them posted.
SQL statement used to set the second half of the couples to approved:
UPDATE `databasename`.`Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Active' WHERE `Profiles`.`Status` = 'Unconfirmed'